Valley of the Vikings

    • Ages: 6-99
    • Players: 2-4
    • Game Length: 15-20 min

    In the Valley of the Vikings, the annual barrel bowling contest is taking place. Now courage, skill and risk-taking are required so that the players use the ball to knock down the right barrels, and cleverly position their Vikings on the dock. But the player who ventures too far and is first to fall in the water goes away empty-handed. The player who captures the most gold coins wins!

    • immersive extra large game board
    • four 3D Viking ships and 24 gold coins
    • excitement right through to the very end


    • 1 large Viking Valley game board (to be pieced together from 7 parts)
    • 8 Viking flags
    • 4 Viking tokens
    • 1 cardboard bat
    • 4 ships (each to be assembled from 4 cardboard sections)
    • 1 bowling ball
    • 24 gold coins
    • 4 wooden barrels
    • 1 rulebook


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