Final Girl Season 3: Don’t Make a Sound


    Everyone Loves Utopia!

    It was a quiet day in a barren one horse town when gravity pod landed near a sheep farm on the outskirts of town. Gravity pod is just my name for what it was, since it was entirely alien. The pod contained a ravenous being born and bred by a higher intelligence for one purpose: to clear a planet of current life so that it could be terraformed. Devoid of eyes, The Eyeless uses heightened sensory faculties to seek and destroy anything and everything that makes noise.

    Welcome to Utopia! Jokingly called "nowhere" by the rest of the state's residents, Utopia is a desert town where the people are outnumbered by . . . well just about anything else you can think of. Little do the residents know, but they are about to be set upon by a brood of giant sand snakes, each as large as a tractor trailer, that were nested just below the town almost a million years before. The million year molting period.


    1 Detachable Killer Board
    1 Detachable Location Board
    2 Final Girl Cards
    12 Sand Snake Cards
    24 Terror Cards
    3 Dark Power Cards
    1 Epic Dark Power Card
    3 Finale Cards
    18 Item Cards
    10 Event Cards
    5 Setup Card
    4 Noice Cards
    1 Noise Marker
    2 Rules Sheets
    6 Tokens

    Ages: 14+
    Players: 1
    Game Length: 20-60 minutes

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