An Age Contrived Ad Infinitum exp

    • Advancement Tokens grant benefits at the start of the game to certain players, based on their performance in the previous game and whether they are new to An Age Contrived. They add an extra challenge for skilled players and a small boost for new players.
    • Achievement Tokens are mixed in with those from the base game, increasing the number from 6 to 12. All 5 of the Achievements are randomized with this module in play, rather than only the top 2.
    • Infinitum Benefit Tokens give players new benefit options when completing Monuments, adding to the decision space of how to build and run your engine.

    We refer to this expansion as a "repeated play pack", as your benefits in one game will be influenced by your performance in the last game. It can accommodate any combination of players entering, exiting, or re-entering your group.

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