Song of Ice & Fire: Neutral- Bloody Mummer Skirmishers

  • The war in Westeros has made it possible for people to make a lot of coin by selling their services to any military organization who wishes them to fight on the front lines. Westeros’ mercenary companies have a long tradition, each wanting to distinguish themselves, and The Bloody Mummers are certainly skilled at getting seen. Their garish clothing certainly makes them stand out from the crowd, but they’re no clowns. Opponents see their bright colors and painted faces as a warning sign. Like a deadly poisoned frog or caterpillar might put on a bright display to show how dangerous they are, so do the Bloody Mummers. In this article, we take a look at their mainline troops, the Skirmishers, and see what they will soon be bringing to the battlefields of Westeros.

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